by Julia Perillo
The Fall Feeling
Leaves crunch underneath my feet
A peaceful breeze drifts down the street.
I snuggle by the fire as I read a great book,
And I marvel at the pictures my friends and I took.
Excitement for the holidays surges through everyone,
Halloween parties and family gatherings are so much fun!
Maybe the leaves do not change and it does not get that cold,
But I still love Florida’s fall so much that it will never get old.
by Sabrina Blandon
The Magic of Fall
Once there was a 3rd grader named Serina. She was an excellent student; she had good grades, but she didn’t have any friends. She would get picked on by bullies, and by this one girl who was the popular girl; her name was Stella. Everyday she would have two friends beside her; their names were Minx and Shannon.
“Look who it is, it’s Friendless,” Stella said one day.
“Not everyone is as lucky as you, Stella,” Minx said.
After that, Serina came home, crying. The next day, after school, Serina went to her homeroom teacher’s classroom.
“Mrs. Mullens, can I stay here for a couple of minutes?”
“Ok, but shouldn’t you be getting home?” Mrs. Mullens asked, “Did you get started on that season project were you have to write about your favorite season and why?”
Serina nodded. Serina got home and started on her Season project.
That day the project was due, everyone went first and then Serina last. Everyone chose summer because school is out, but Serina chose fall.
“My favorite season is fall,” Serina was interrupted.
“Like always, Serina sticks out like a sore thumb.”
But what Stella said didn’t stop Serina. “I like fall because of all the different leaves. I like how everyday after school a kid can just jump into a pile of colors. I love how in the morning, I can see the fresh air swirling around with the different kinds of leaves. I love the colors, like the crisp red and golden orange, on the leaves, and how they are all so different. It feels like magic when it's fall. I also like how when fall happens, the trees get rid of their old selves and grow in new ones like a kid from glasses to contacts. That is why fall is my favorite season.”
After the bell rang, Serina would usually get picked on by Stella and her entourage, but that day was different. Two kids went up to Serina.
“Hi, I liked your piece," one kid commented.
“Thanks, what’s your name?”
“I am Sophie and this is Eden.” After a couple of minutes of talking they finally became friends. After that day, Stella and her entourage never bullied her again.
Later on in her lifetime, Serina became a writer, and she created an organization about bullying and what to do to stand up to bullies.